dinsdag 18 september 2018

Paintworks for 'The Doom that came to Atlantic City" (Cryptozoic Entertainment)

All the Great Old Ones and Elder Gods from "The Doom that Came to Atlantc City". From left to right: Nyarlathotep - Azathoth - Yog Sothoth - Cthulhu - Tsathoggua - Hastur The King in Yellow) - Shub Niggurath and Ithaqua

Previous "Doom": link 1 - link 2 - link 3 - link 4 - link 5 - link 6 - link 7 - link 8

maandag 10 september 2018

Avatar of Sokar - Reaper Bones Mininatures

This is the Avatar of Sokar (Reaper Bones 77338), a 7 cm (2,75 inch) tall miniature. I'm always surprised how much detail these figures have, and it's always a pleasure to paint them. The Avatar could go with any fantasy tabletop skirmish or RPG...

Other Bones: link 1

zondag 2 september 2018

Indy - Reaper Bones Mininatures

This Bones miniature is without a doubt based on the greatest adventurer ever to walk  this Earth: Indiana Jones. I use this as a character for Eldritch Horror, and also made a custom adventure card...